Uganda Top 100 mid-sized companies Survey (‘Top 100 Survey’) is an initiative of KPMG and Daily Monitor. The survey seeks to identify Uganda’s fastest-growing medium sized companies to showcase business excellence and highlight some of the country’s most successful entrepreneurship stories.
The ‘Top 100 Mid-sized Company” (‘Top 100 Company’) is one that ranks ahead of its peers in terms of revenue growth, profit growth, returns to shareholders and cash generation/liquidity. A Top 100 company has succeeded in progressively growing its market position in the industries in which it operates and over time, this growth has translated into both returns for its shareholders and a sound financial position.
About the 2022 Survey
The 2022 TOP 100 survey will bring back the pre-covid19 survey approach where SMEs will be screened on both the general and financial questionnaires. This is intended to understand how SMEs are coping with the post pandemic business environment and therefore help policy makers to come up with informed decisions to accelerate growth. The theme for this year’s survey is “Creating synergies and sustainable Business models sufficient for accelerated growth”
The survey will be launched along with a forum focusing on tax on the topic; “Developments in the tax regime; Implications to growth and Business Sustainability” with the main discussants being Edgar Mukasa – Senior Manager Tax & Regulatory Services and Mark Tusiime – Manager Tax and Regulatory Services.
Objectives of the survey
- To create industry databases and
• Enable medium-sized (‘mid-sized’) companies to benchmark themselves against their peers
• Highlight to policymakers the mid-sized companies’ contribution to economic growth. - To support mid-sized companies in their growth by linking them with key service providers. Some of
these service providers will form relationships with the companies by sponsoring the survey and/or
special forums for the Top 100 companies - To address the challenges faced by SMEs in the evolving economic environment.
- To facilitate networking amongst the Top 100 companies.
- To create platforms for the Top 100 companies to engage individually and collectively in activities,
particularly those related to promoting entrepreneurship in the country.

KPMG is a global organization of independent professional services firms providing Audit, Tax and Advisory services. KPMG is the brand under which the member firms of KPMG International Limited (“KPMG International”) operate and provide professional services. “KPMG” is used to refer to individual member firms within the KPMG organization or to one or more member firms collectively.
KPMG firms operate in 145 countries and territories with more than 236,000 partners and employees working in member firms around the world. Each KPMG firm is a legally distinct and separate entity and describes itself as such. Each KPMG member firm is responsible for its own obligations and liabilities. KPMG International Limited is a private English company limited by guarantee. KPMG International Limited and its related entities do not provide services to clients.
Our East Africa practice comprises Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, and Rwanda. KPMG East Africa firm has 23 partners and over 1000 professional staff. The Nairobi office serves as the regional coordinating office providing the required networking to facilitate delivery of services on a timely basis to meet and exceed our clients’ expectations.
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The newspaper was established in 1992 as The Monitor, and relaunched as the Daily Monitor in June 2005. The paper asserts that its private ownership guarantees the independence of its editors and journalists.
The newspaper headquarters are housed in the same building that houses the other investments owned by Monitor Publications Limited, including Daily Monitor newspaper, Monitor Business Directory, Ennyanda sports newspaper (in Luganda), 90.4 Dembe FM radio station (in Luganda and English),93.3 KFM radio station, Daily Monitor e-paper, The Monitor E-paper app, and Daily Monitor social media channels.
Monitor Publications Limited and all its subsidiaries listed above are owned by Nation Media Group, a media conglomerate, based in Nairobi, Kenya and whose shares are listed on the Nairobi Stock Exchange and are crosslisted on the Uganda Securities Exchange, the Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange, and the Rwanda Stock Exchange.